Dr. Vivek Mittal
Robotic Joint Replacement, Arthroscopic & Orthopaedic Surgeon
Dr. Vivek Mittal is in the field of Orthopedics for over 25 years. He completed his medical education from University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi University and his Post-Graduation from Central Institute of Orthopedics, Safdarjung Hospital, Delhi University in 1991.
Being a global practice specialist, he had been trained and visited many institutions abroad. He has done his AO fellowship at Universitätsklinik für Chirurgie Innsbruck, Austria, in 1999 for trauma. He has also done Ranawat fellowship at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York with Dr. Chitranjan Ranawat for Primary and Revision total joint replacements including hip and knee joints. He has also done observership at National University Hospital, Singapore.
Dr Vivek Mittal has vast & rich experience in Primary & RevisionHip and Knee Joint reconstruction Surgeries.His Motto for his patients: “FREEDOM FROM PAINFUL MOVEMENT FOR LIFE”
Dr Vivek Mittal believes his patients are his strength. His surgical philosophy is based on patient-centric excellence as he understand the difficulties and the emotions patients and their families face as a result of joint arthritis. Partnership of trust between patient and doctor is uppermost for him. He always discussesall possible treatment options with patients, based on the best of current literature and evidence.